Different Types of Dental Cleaning
Depending on the quality of your oral health, your dentist might prescribe one of the following types of cleaning:
Prophylaxis Cleaning
Even though brushing and flossing can remove some plaque and tartar there are spots that might have been missed. A prophylaxis cleaning removes plaque and tartar as the main source of dental problems. This method prevents gum problems and tooth decay from occurring.
Gross Debridement
This method is done for those patients who haven’t visited the dentist for several years. Gross debridement removes a fair amount of plaque and tartar that has been built-up on teeth and gums.
Scaling and Root Planing
Harmful bacteria and hard tartar deposits called calculus build up on your teeth above and below your gum line - releasing toxins that can cause gum diseases, also known as periodontitis. Over time, if periodontitis progresses, it can lead to increased inflammation, bleeding, receding gums, and ultimately receding bone tissue. Scaling and root planning can remove these deposits from your teeth. This specialized procedure is usually done with a hand scaler, and an ultrasonic cleaner, which uses high-frequency vibrators to separate the calculus from the teeth. This procedure can be done in one visit; however for severe cases of gum disease multiple appointments may be required.
Periodontal Maintenance
Periodontal cleaning is given to patients with more serious gum problems. This procedure removes plaque and infection beneath your gums. Patients are advised to visit the dentist at least every three months. These regular visits can break up the accumulation of bacteria in your gums and minimize the progression of periodontitis. Over time untreated gum disease can lead to tooth loss and make more expensive treatments like implants
What is the Dental Cleaning Procedure
During your visit, the dentist is going to have a physical examination of your entire mouth before having your teeth cleaned. They will use a small mirror to check around your gums and teeth.
The next step is removing plaque and tartar by scaling. The small mirror will still guide your dentist in locating the plaque and tartar around your teeth and gums while the scaler will be used to scrape those deposits. If you don’t have good oral hygiene and you have a lot of tartar then it will take more time to scrape it.
After getting rid of the tartar, your dentist will brush your teeth with some high-powered electric brush combined with prophylaxis toothpaste. This brush will remove any tartar left behind.
To remove the leftover plaque or toothpaste from the earlier procedure the dentist will floss your teeth.
Finally, you will be given a fluoride treatment. This fluoride can protect and fight against cavities. This will also help rebuild your tooth enamel and prevent harmful bacteria from growing. In addition to all procedures stated your dentist will take x-rays to check for further oral problems.
Is Dental Cleaning Painful
It depends. A dental cleaning can vary from no pain at all to some moderate discomfort. The discomfort varies based on your oral hygiene, current health of your gums, your pain tolerance, and the skill of your hygienist doing the cleaning. We usually do not provide anesthesia for a dental cleaning.
Can Regular Cleaning Prevent Gum Disease?
Not all people are gifted with healthy teeth and gums. Regular check-ups are enough for some but others might need more appointments depending on the condition of their oral health. A case study was conducted: “Annual Dental Cleaning May Be Enough for Some” to see if a cleaning appointment once a year was enough to prevent gum disease.
According to study author William Giannobile, a professor of dentistry and biomedical engineering at the University of Michigan “Twice-yearly cleanings have been recommended for over 50 years without supporting evidence". Adding that “... one yearly cleaning is likely to be enough for patients with no risk factors," he said. "Patients with one or more risk factors, which represent over half of the population, should visit at least twice a year and likely more in some cases."
In conclusion, your oral hygiene is absolutely vital to your health and appearance. At our Brighton Beach dental clinic we always advise our patients on proper oral care and personal hygiene maintenance. Taking proper dental care of yourself saves you money and time and prevents the need for root canals
and implants down the road.